Category: General COMPOSTING 101

June 25, 2024   5:30 pm-6:30 pm


The Webster Arboretum is proud to announce the development of an on-site composting area in the Arboretum to reinforce our commitment to environmental stability. This opportunity was provided to us through a grant received from The Genesee Finger Lakes Chapter of the Air & Waste Management Association (GFLAWMA). Please check out our new composting site, located behind the shed in the side parking lot. In addition, we will be hosting two composting workshops available to the public free of change.


This workshop will provide instruction on how to be successful with home composting, including what can be composted, container types and trouble shooting. Once your scraps have been composted, you will receive ideas on how to best use this valuable resource. Plenty of time will be allotted for questions. The presenter is Barbara Cummings from the Wayne County Master Gardener Program. She is an expert on this topic and has presented at various forums in our area.

COMPOSTING 101 will be offered on two separate dates:
June 5 from 10-11 am and June 25 from 5:30 – 6:30 pm.

Both presentations will take place at the Curry Building located in The Webster Arboretum at 1700 Schlegel Road in Webster, NY. No registration or fee is required. Come early because ‘a rind is a terrible thing to waste’.

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The Webster Arboretum
1700 Schlegel Road
Webster, NY 14580

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